Caracalla as the demiourgos of Tarsus
Los 1480
CILICIA. Tarsus. Caracalla, 198-217. Hexassarion (Bronze, 35 mm, 22.00 g, 12 h), 215-217. ΑΥΤ•ΚΑI•Μ•ΑΥΡ•CЄΥΗΡΟC•ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC• / Π - Π Bust of Caracalla to right, wearing crown and garment of the demiourgos. Rev. ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑΝΗ•CЄΥH•ΑΔ // ΤΑΡCΟΥ // A / M K / Γ B Perseus, on the left and holding harpa, and Herakles, on the right and holding club and lion skin, holding a draped bust of Caracalla to left. SNG Levante 1069. SNG Paris 1539. SNG von Aulock 6019. Sharply struck and unusually attractive for this interesting issue, with an exceptionally attractive obverse. Minor smoothing on the reverse, otherwise, extremely fine.

From the collection of Jean-Pierre Righetti, inv. no. 74 (with collector's ticket), ex Lanz 153, 12 December 2011, 502.

Caracalla is shown here wearing the typical garment of the demiourgoi, literally 'artisans', which were a group of city officials in Tarsos. Like some other emperors, Caracalla appears to have been included in their ranks on the occasion of his visit to the city in 215. The reverse, on the other hand, shows Perseus and Herakles, the mythological founders of Tarsus, holding a bust of the emperor together, thus celebrating him as a refounder of the city and elevating him to the level of a demigod.
500 CHF
400 CHF
1600 CHF
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